Hans Ngo Wurfbain

Hans Ngo Wurfbain

The west of the west is the east.

工作坊 | 荷兰马斯特里赫特孔子学院举办中国白酒文化主题讲座

编者荐语:Hans Ngo Wurfbain是致力於在海外通過中國白酒與川菜宣傳中國文化的個人,其主要的對象就是各國當地人。Hans認為,白酒出口到海外賣給華人,算是為海外市場做鋪墊,真正的挑戰其實是讓歐洲本地人享受中國白酒。  3月22日下午,

龍抬頭 Chemsterdam®️·Loongtaitou

Name: Longtaitou | Chemsterdam·Longtaitou Type: Strong Flavour Baijiu Alcohol: 52%

P.A.N.D.A B.V.: Why do we sell our Baijiu in EU first?

In a market teeming with myriad brand stories, the path

順屯®️ Shuntun·Favorable Village

Name: Shuntun · Favorable Village Type: Strong Flavour Baijiu Alcohol: 52%

百年齐福®️ Centennial Cheerfulness·8

Name: Bainianqifu - Centennial Cheerfulness·8 Type: Strong Flavour Baijiu

General terms and conditions

In God, we trust. Open an ACCOUNT * I want to

Baijiu | The Baichiew History

Baijiu's history, rooted in China's agrarian past, showcases the evolution from natural fermentation to sophisticated distillation. Reflecting ancient societal advancements, its origins may date back 800-8000 years, highlighting the deep cultural significance of alcohol in Chinese history.

Curing PTSD: The Multifaceted Journey of Hans, an Ultra Cyclist

The founder of Chemsterdam, Hans, was and still is an ultra-cyclist. Cyclist was one of Hans facets of his life, which is somehow a wonderful plan by the Lord.

Hans Coffee Effect - Don't Question the Coffee But Yourself

Experiment Name: Blind Coffee Tasting with Coffee Prepared in Different

Culinary Skill Exchange between Italy and China

I travel with my chef knife, trying to bring people