🐼 x 🍹 Baijiu Cocktail 012: De Hague Elixir

Kantoor 1643
推薦指數:/5 (我會在PANDA Horeca Assessment Criteria發布以後做數據),環境寬敞舒適,背景音樂怡人。酒吧有一個極其講究的工坊:在這裏,Kantoor 1643的雞尾酒師會精心地製作特別的糖漿以及高品質雞尾酒用冰。冰塊對於雞尾酒來說極為重要,因為好的冰塊不僅美觀,而且還可以更長時間的保持型態,融化速度緩慢,在保持雞尾酒適宜溫度的同時,不至於稀釋雞尾酒濃度。另外,他們還有一台水果凍乾機,這樣以來他們做雞尾酒時使用的乾燥水果都是徵選的凍乾水果,型態極佳。不得不說,Kantoor 1643是十分講究的。特別期待一段時間後重返Kantoor 1643,去品嚐他們更多創新配方。
Rating: /5.0. (I will provide the data after the PANDA Horeca Assessment Criteria are published) The environment is spacious and comfortable, with pleasant background music. The bar features an extremely meticulous workshop: here, the mixologists at Kantoor 1643 carefully craft special syrups and high-quality ice for cocktails. Ice is crucial for cocktails because good ice is not only visually appealing but also maintains its form longer, melts slowly, and keeps the cocktail at the right temperature without diluting its strength too quickly. Additionally, they also have a freeze-drying machine, which means the dried fruits they use for their cocktails are all select freeze-dried fruits, excellently preserved. It must be said, Kantoor 1643 is quite meticulous. I'm particularly looking forward to returning to Kantoor 1643 after some time to taste more of their innovative concoctions.
A Drink Needed|需要一杯酒
After an 80km cycling journey from Rotterdam, visiting various liquor stores in the towns along the Nieuwe Waterweg, I finally arrived in De Hague. Such a beautiful ride deserved a beautiful drink to conclude it. Entering The Hague from the southwest, I paused at a traffic light and googled “cocktail.” This search led me to a bar and restaurant called Kantoor 1643.
从鹿特丹骑行八十公里,途经新水道沿岸多个小镇的酒铺后,我终于到达了海牙。如此美丽的旅程,理应以一杯佳酿作为完美的结束。从西南方向进入海牙,红绿灯前我暂停,搜索了“鸡尾酒”。这一搜寻引领我来到了一家名为Kantoor 1643的酒吧和餐厅。

Walk In Kantoor 1643|走進Kantoor 1643
Kantoor 1643 is a new restaurant that has recently started, boasting a high score of 4.9/5.0 on Google Maps. I had to find out just how good it is.The restaurant is on an elevated ground floor, which requires walking up about 15 stairs. I lock my bike to a tree with a steel cable, which is a very risky thing. So I quickly go upstairs and talk to anyone to find out if I could speak with the chief mixologist. The girl near the bar understands what I am up to and calls the manager, Sergii, a Ukrainian who used to work in hospitality in several countries, including Israel. Sergii comes to the bar area, and we start a conversation.
Kantoor 1643是一家新开张不久的餐厅,谷歌地图上高达4.9的评分,我不得不亲自探个究竟。餐厅位于高出地面的一层,需步行上约十五阶的楼梯。我将自行车用钢索锁在一棵树上,虽然有些冒险。于是我急忙上楼,寻人问津,想看能否与首席调酒师交谈。酒吧旁的女孩明白我的来意,便叫来了经理Sergii,一位曾在以色列等多国从事酒店业的乌克兰人。Sergii走到吧台,我们开始了对话。

Philosophy of Sergii’s Mixology | Sergii的雞尾酒哲學
I asked Sergii about Kantoor 1643’s cocktail philosophy. He replied, “We uphold tradition while innovating on its basis.” He elaborated, “Many cocktail bars claim to be highly innovative, but unfortunately, they seem to struggle with making classic cocktails, which is a shame. Classics are called classics because many people come to bars specifically to order them, unlike some bars’ new menus that change every 2-3 months, leaving drinks that no one remembers. We adhere to one principle: innovate around the classics.”
我询问Sergii关于Kantoor 1643的调酒理念。他回答说:“我们在坚守传统的基础上进行创新。”他详细解释道:“许多鸡尾酒吧自称高度创新,但不幸的是,他们在制作经典鸡尾酒方面似乎有些力不从心,这实在是遗憾。经典之所以为经典,是因为许多人专程来酒吧点它们,不像有些酒吧的新菜单每两三个月就变一次,留下的饮品无人记忆。我们坚持一个原则:在经典的基础上进行创新。”
He paused and continued, “A cocktail is really quite simple, made of three components: the base spirit, syrup, and bitters. That’s the original cocktail. Nowadays, many cocktails are flashy and elaborate, straying from the original definition. They are essentially elaborately decorated alcoholic beverages.”
Smiling, he added, “Of course, with time, customers’ expectations for visual appeal and flavor balance have increased. Cocktails are no longer just about turning undrinkable spirits into sugary drinks. They have evolved into a sophisticated experience that balances aesthetic appeal and refined taste.”
The Take Away from Sergii | 從Sergii那裡學習到的東西
Classic formula exists, because people like it.
Sergii Tries Baijiu | Sergii品鑑白酒
During my turn of speech, I emphasise that if human could be stronger in aesthetic skills, we would enjoy the world better with an attitude of appreciation to the beauties of things around us. After this statement, I show Baijiu to Sergii. He asks for 3 cups, one for me, one for himself, and one for Lucas, a bartender from Poland.
Na zdrowie! [na ˈzdrɔvʲɛ]
За здоров’я! [za zdoˈrɔvʲja]
乾杯!(A funny fact: People toast to health in most languages I encounters, but it seems in Asia, we don't toast to health, we say: 乾杯(Ganbei),which means: dries the cup. I am very limited person, and I just consider my ignorance as humor.)
“Oh, interesting!” This is the very first comment about Baijiu from Sergii."Can you play with this?" Sergii looks at Lucas."It is extremely complicated! Take sip!"

De Hague Elixir:跨文化创意的结晶 | A Confluence of Cultures
In the city of De Hague, where history meets modernity, and East meets West, a cocktail was born, named “De Hague Elixir.” Behind its creation lies a tale rich in color and intrigue, a testament to friendship, creativity, and cultural fusion.
在海牙这座融合了历史与现代、东方与西方的城市,一款鸡尾酒诞生了,名为“De Hague Elixir”。这款鸡尾酒的诞生背后有着一段精彩而多彩的故事,它是一段友谊、创意与文化融合的见证。

创作灵感 | Inspiration
The story begins on a sunny afternoon in a secluded bar in The Hague, where three creators from diverse backgrounds gathered. They were:
• 四川的白酒匠,带来了具有千年历史的中国白酒,其独特的风味为这款鸡尾酒打下了坚实的基础。
• A baijiu master from Sichuan, who brought with him the thousand-year-old Chinese baijiu, its unique flavor laying a solid foundation for the cocktail.
• 波兰的鸡尾酒师,擅长将传统与创新结合,他的调酒技艺使每一滴酒液都充满艺术感。
• A Polish mixologist, adept at blending tradition with innovation, his bartending skills turning each drop of liquor into art.
• 乌克兰的老練雞尾酒師,他总是能够把握雞尾酒傳統,並基於傳統提出别具一格的创意,使每一次合作都充满惊喜。
• The seasoned Ukrainian mixologist always manages to grasp the traditions of cocktails and propose unique innovations based on those traditions, making each collaboration full of surprises.
These three creators from diverse cultural backgrounds decided to challenge themselves to create a cocktail that retains the essence of traditional cocktails while meeting modern flavor preferences. Their goal was for this cocktail to be more than just a drink; it was to be an experience, a cultural collision and fusion.

配方 | The Recipe
After countless trials and adjustments, the final recipe was born:
• 50ml 四川白酒:白酒的强烈和醇厚为鸡尾酒带来了深邃的底蕴,象征着历史与传统。
• 50ml Sichuan Baijiu: The intensity and richness of baijiu bring a profound depth to the cocktail, symbolizing history and tradition.
• 20ml 绿檸檬汁:绿檸檬的清新酸爽为鸡尾酒注入了现代的活力,象征着创新与未来。
• 20ml Green Lime Juice: The fresh tartness of lime juice infuses the cocktail with modern vitality, symbolizing innovation and the future.
• 20ml 米柚:米柚的独特香气和柔和的甜味为鸡尾酒增添了平衡与和谐,象征着友谊与合作。
• 20ml Rice Yuzu: The unique aroma and gentle sweetness of rice yuzu add balance and harmony to the cocktail, symbolizing friendship and cooperation.
诞生 | Creation
In that bar in De Hague, when the three creators first tasted the final version of their cocktail, they knew they had created a miracle. This cocktail perfectly combined the essence of three different cultures, blending the richness of baijiu, the freshness of lime, and the harmony of yuzu.
他们为这款鸡尾酒命名为“De Hague Elixir”,因为它在海牙诞生,并且像一种神奇的药水,能够跨越文化的鸿沟,将不同的风味融合在一起。
They named the cocktail “De Hague Elixir” because it was born in The Hague and, like a magical potion, could bridge cultural gaps and blend different flavors together.
意义 | Significance
“De Hague Elixir”不仅仅是一杯鸡尾酒,它象征着文化的融合与创新精神。每一次啜饮,都能感受到那份来自四川、波兰和乌克兰的友情与合作,感受到海牙这座城市的多元与包容。老百姓之間的合作與友情是無限的。
“De Hague Elixir” is more than just a cocktail; it symbolizes cultural fusion and the spirit of innovation. Each sip carries the friendship and collaboration from Sichuan, Poland, and Ukraine, embodying the diversity and inclusiveness of The Hague. The cooperation and friendship among the common people are boundless.
品尝这杯“De Hague Elixir”,分享故事,感受那份跨越国界的友谊与创意。
Taste “De Hague Elixir,” share stories, and experience the friendship and creativity that transcend borders.
後記|After Words
Actually, Serggi and Lucas mixed me two cocktails, which I intended to name Baigroni and Baiquiri. But because my naming of cocktails must consider factors such as culture and cities, I did not use these two names in this article.

- Baigroni - A new cocktail inspired by Negroni, a classic Italian cocktail from Florence, a perfect blend of gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari, garnished with an orange peel for a balance of bitter and sweet flavors. According to Sergii’s mixological philosophy, Baigroni honours the classical drink in the past.
Baigroni - 这是一款受经典意大利佛罗伦萨鸡尾酒Negroni启发的新鸡尾酒,它完美地融合了杜松子酒、甜苦艾酒和Campari,并以橙皮作为点缀,营造出苦甜平衡的口感。依照Sergii的调酒哲学,Baigroni向过去的经典酒款致敬。 - Baiquiri - A new cocktail inspired by Daiquiri, a classic Cuban cocktail made with rum, fresh lime juice, and simple syrup, known for its refreshing and crisp citrus flavor. According to Sergii’s idea, Baiquiri is one more step ahead or Baigroni with not only the respect to the classics but or also the new evolutionary pursuit of balance of aroma and taste.
Baiquiri - 这是一款受经典古巴鸡尾酒Daiquiri启发的新鸡尾酒,由朗姆酒、新鲜酸橙汁和简单糖浆调制而成,以其清新和明快的柑橘风味而闻名。根据Sergii的理念,Baiquiri不仅尊重经典,更是在香气和味道的平衡上向前迈进了一步。